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· Waktu baca 5 menit
Agastya Darma Laksana

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the fusion of AI with frontend development heralds a transformative era. With GPT-4's groundbreaking capabilities, the process of creating websites is poised for a revolutionary shift. Imagine this: you snap a picture of a design, and GPT-4 translates it into functional code. This vision is not just a fantasy; it's swiftly becoming a reality.

The Role of Frontend Engineers in the AI Era

The integration of AI into the realm of frontend development, especially with the advent of technologies like GPT-4, is reshaping the landscape of the field. This change prompts a crucial inquiry: what will be the role of frontend engineers in the next decade? It's easy to jump to conclusions and view the rise of AI as a threat to traditional roles. However, a more nuanced perspective reveals that this is not about the end of frontend engineering, but rather an evolution. As AI takes over more routine, templated tasks, frontend engineers are presented with the opportunity to shift their focus. Their role will likely transform, emphasizing more on creative problem-solving, strategic planning, and complex task management that AI cannot easily replicate.

· Waktu baca 9 menit
Agastya Darma Laksana

Once upon a time, in the land of smartphones and gadgets, I was a loyal subject of the Kingdom of Android, reveling in its open plains and diverse landscapes. But as my wallet grew a bit thicker (thanks to some good fortune and maybe skipping a few fancy coffees), I crossed the border into the sleek dominion of Apple. Here, I discovered a world where everything 'just works' - often with a price tag that makes you think it should also cook dinner and do the laundry! Despite the premium cost, I was hooked on the harmony and simplicity Apple products offered, a stark contrast to my former Android allegiance.

The real game-changer, however, was my encounter with AirPlay 2. This feature epitomizes why I've become enamored with Apple's offerings. I have an array of speakers in my home, including multiple HomePods and the Samsung Q700A, all AirPlay-enabled. AirPlay 2's multi-speaker functionality has transformed my home into a symphony of sound. The ease with which I can fill every corner of my house with music is nothing short of enchanting. It's not just the technology itself; it's how it enhances the atmosphere of my home, making it more welcoming and lively.

But there's more magic in the mix, especially with the latest iOS 17 features. When friends visit, they can effortlessly add tracks to the speaker's queue, enriching our gatherings with their musical tastes. This seamless integration and shared control are what make AirPlay 2 so special to me. It's not just a feature; it's an experience, a testament to the thoughtfulness Apple puts into creating an ecosystem that's not only functional but also brings people together. This is why I've fallen deeply in love with the Apple ecosystem – it's not just technology; it's technology that connects, entertains, and simplifies life in the most delightful ways.

· Waktu baca 15 menit
Agastya Darma Laksana

In today's rapidly evolving software development landscape, the ability to efficiently build and deploy applications across diverse architectures is crucial. This article will explore an advanced yet accessible approach to creating multi-architecture Docker images, specifically for ARM64 and AMD64 platforms, using GitHub Actions. We will dissect a YAML configuration for a GitHub Actions workflow named 'Deploy Production,' illustrating how to automate the building and pushing of Docker images to Docker Hub.

Our focus will be on leveraging the capabilities of GitHub Actions, including setup of QEMU for emulation and Docker Buildx for building images, along with caching strategies and security practices for Docker Hub integration. This guide aims to equip developers with the knowledge and tools needed to streamline their CI/CD pipelines, ensuring seamless deployment across varied computing environments.

name: Deploy Production
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
- name: Cache Docker layers
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: /tmp/.buildx-cache
key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-${{ github.sha }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-buildx-
- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v1
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
context: .
file: ./Dockerfile
push: true
tags: agasdrm/blog:latest,agasdrm/blog:${{ github.run_number }}
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8
cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache
cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache

· Waktu baca 5 menit
Agastya Darma Laksana

Selamat datang di perjalanan digital terbaru saya – sebuah kisah yang menggabungkan teknologi dan humor, serta sepenuhnya berdasarkan kenyataan. Saya ingin berbagi tentang bagaimana blog saya, yang sebelumnya hanya merupakan bagian kecil dari awan digital yang luas, akhirnya berpindah ke lingkungan yang lebih hangat di rumah saya sendiri. Benar, Anda tidak salah membaca. Blog saya sekarang dihosting pada server Raspberry Pi 4, yang berada langsung di bawah atap rumah saya. Mari kita ikuti bersama perjalanan menarik ini

· Waktu baca 5 menit
Agastya Darma Laksana

The Navigation router is a groundbreaking alternative to the popular React Navigation library, offering a revolutionary approach to scene-based navigation for both React and React Native. With its focus on scene-based navigation, this router empowers developers to take control of their app's UI design, providing the flexibility to build their UI in any way they want.

One of the most notable features of the Navigation router is its seamless integration with React and React Native. Developers no longer need to worry about using different routing libraries for web and mobile development, which streamlines the development process and saves time.

Additionally, the Navigation router provides a seamless user experience. The navigation is 100% native on Android and iOS, ensuring that users feel comfortable and familiar with the navigation elements. On the other hand, developers using React can have whatever URLs they want, allowing them to build their UI as they see fit.

· Waktu baca 7 menit
Agastya Darma Laksana

This is the story of why we chose React Native and how we overcame the technical challenges we encountered along the road.

ruangguru react native

BrainAcademy build with React Native running on our existing native app.

Early last year, a small group of developers at Ruangguru began studying the feasibility of implementing React Native. React Native allows you to create iOS and Android apps in JavaScript using the declarative programming language of React. This leads in more concise, easier-to-understand code, faster iteration without a build cycle, and easy code sharing between platforms. You can ship faster and focus on the things that count, making your app look and feel fantastic.

Since its initial release, React Native has come a long way. It is being used not only in Facebook and Instagram, but also in a wide range of other businesses, from Fortune 500 corporations to hot new startups.

· Waktu baca 4 menit
Agastya Darma Laksana

Ketika anda mengembangkan aplikasi React Native kemungkinan besar anda akan menulis banyak kode JavaScript yang di dalamnya memiliki dependensi yang biasanya berasal dari repositori external seperti NPM. Kompilasi dari banyak file JavaScript dan dependensi tadi akan di proses menjadi satu file bundle yang dapat di baca oleh React Native. Di React Native kompilasi ini akan dilakukan secara default oleh Metro Bundler.

Jadi pada intinya Metro Bundler bekerja dengan cara mengambil kode sumber Anda, semua dependensi pustaka eksternal dan juga aset statis yang Anda gunakan lalu mengubahnya, mengoptimalkannya, dan mengemasnya menjadi satu bundel yang dapat dijalankan oleh React Native.